Data Investment

We invite you to join our next webinar entitled “Balkan Real Estate & Valuation” on Wednesday 29/04/2020. at 2pm. This panel will deal with the challenges faced by valuers, the RICS uncertainty clause and the challenges banks have to endure:

• RICS uncertainty clause concept:
– the choice whether to use it lays on each individual member
• Is it a kind of „get out of jail card” or is it legitimate to use in these circumstances?
– We base its introduction on the current inactivity of the market, lack of information about transactions, inappropriate (limited) activity of the authorities, etc.

1. Challenges valuers face:
• use information concerning transactions from the previous period with the uncertainty clause or evaluate the effects of the crisis?
• If we decide to valuate, how to substantiate and defend this position? Based on what facts?
• inspection problems – limited options (banks either require inspection or statement of the client about the legal and factual situation real estate or the introduction of assumptions)
• are there any additional requirements of banks when reporting during a crisis?

2. Challenges in front of banks.
– is a higher level of caution and due diligence to be expected?
– the impact of state measures on the real estate market? How comprehensive and meaningful are the measures?
– more frequent evaluations?
• increased number of NPLs?

See you on the Data Investment YouTube channel with new topics and panelists!

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